In this fast-paced, volatile, stress-filled world, I have learned that we must find a way to be Stable and Strong in our Self – Strong in our Body, our Mind, and our Spirit. Oftentimes this can prove to be quite challenging, but with each Breath, each Moment, we can remember to come back to this Grounded, Powerful place within ourselves. When we feel overwhelmed and when we don’t know what to do in the crazy turbulence of our time, whether it be in our relationships, our family, our workplace, our community, or broader.. we can start by working on ourselves. Affect change from the inside out.

What makes you feel good in your body, your most loyal companion in this lifetime?
What makes you feel most energized?

Do that.

What calms your monkey mind? When do you feel most in the moment?

Do that.

What is it that makes you happy? What feeds your soul? What makes you feel alive?

Do that.